Hey Awesome yogi!
Akasha and NGYC are super excited you have decided to join us for our YTT 300 Vinyasa workshop! The original workshop was 5 days and several recorded sessions broken into parts.
Please go through your workshop at your speed remembering to take breaks, monitor your responses and practice self care as you are learning. The workshop packet is attached below. Please email info@ngyoga.com with all homework, and questions. Also, be sure to label all emails Vinyasa Workshop. When complete email us so that we can send you a document to check your foundations of the workshop, and remember to share your feedback!
Your book for this workshop is Yoga Sequencing by Mark Stephens https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Sequencing-Designing-Transformative-Classes/dp/1583944974/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Sequencing+yoga&qid=1613502089&sr=8-5
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